New to using SAS arrays and can’t get array elements to populate with values based on IF-THEN-ELSE statement?
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New to using SAS arrays and can’t get array elements to populate with values based on IF-THEN-ELSE statement?

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Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Working with SAS arrays can be intimidating at first, especially when trying to populate array elements with values based on conditions. In this article, we’ll break down the process step-by-step, so you can master SAS arrays and IF-THEN-ELSE statements in no time!

What are SAS arrays, and why do we need them?

SAS arrays are a powerful tool for storing and manipulating multiple values in a single variable. They’re essential when working with large datasets, where you need to perform repetitive tasks or conditional operations. Think of an array as a container that holds multiple values, which can be accessed and modified using an index or subscript.

Declaring and initializing an array

To start, you need to declare and initialize an array in your SAS code. Here’s the basic syntax:

data my_data;
  array my_array {values1-values10}; /* declare the array */
  do i = 1 to 10; /* initialize the array */
    my_array(i) = 0; /* set each element to 0 */

In this example, we declared an array called `my_array` with 10 elements, and initialized each element to 0 using a DO loop.

Using IF-THEN-ELSE statements with arrays

Now, let’s say you want to populate the array elements with values based on certain conditions. This is where IF-THEN-ELSE statements come into play. The basic syntax is:

data my_data;
  array my_array {values1-values10};
  do i = 1 to 10;
    if condition THEN my_array(i) = value1;
    else if condition THEN my_array(i) = value2;
    else my_array(i) = value3;

In this example, we’re using an IF-THEN-ELSE statement to check a condition, and assign a value to the corresponding array element based on that condition.

Example 1: Populating array elements with random values

Let’s create an array called `random_values` with 10 elements, and populate each element with a random value between 1 and 10:

data my_data;
  array random_values {values1-values10};
  do i = 1 to 10;
    random_values(i) = ceil(ranuni(0) * 10);

In this example, we used the `ceil` function to round up the random value generated by the `ranuni` function, which produces a random number between 0 and 1.

Example 2: Populating array elements based on a condition

Suppose we have a dataset with a variable `age`, and we want to create an array called `age_groups` with 5 elements. We’ll populate each element with a specific value based on the `age` variable:

data my_data;
  set my_dataset;
  array age_groups {values1-values5};
  do i = 1 to 5;
    if age lt 20 then age_groups(i) = 'Youth';
    else if age lt 40 then age_groups(i) = 'Adult';
    else if age lt 60 then age_groups(i) = 'Middle-Aged';
    else if age lt 80 then age_groups(i) = 'Senior';
    else age_groups(i) = 'Elderly';

In this example, we used an IF-THEN-ELSE statement to check the value of the `age` variable, and assigned a corresponding value to the `age_groups` array element.

When working with SAS arrays and IF-THEN-ELSE statements, it’s easy to make mistakes that can lead to unexpected results or errors. Here are some common mistakes to watch out for:

  • Incorrect array indexing**: Make sure you’re using the correct index or subscript to access the array element. In SAS, arrays are 1-based, so the first element is accessed using `array(1)`, not `array(0)`.
  • Conditional logic errors**: Double-check your IF-THEN-ELSE statements to ensure the logic is correct. A single mistake can lead to unexpected results or errors.
  • Data type mismatch**: Ensure that the data type of the array element matches the data type of the value being assigned. In SAS, arrays can be numeric, character, or date, so be careful when assigning values.

Troubleshooting tips

If you’re experiencing issues with your SAS array and IF-THEN-ELSE statement, try the following:

  1. Check the SAS log**: Review the SAS log for any error messages or warnings that can help you identify the issue.
  2. Use the `PUT` statement**: Add a `PUT` statement to your code to print the values of the array elements and verify that they’re being populated correctly.
  3. Break down the code**: Simplify your code by breaking it down into smaller sections and testing each section separately.
  4. Use online resources**: Consult online resources, such as the SAS Documentation and Communities, for guidance and support.


Working with SAS arrays and IF-THEN-ELSE statements can be a powerful combination, but it requires attention to detail and a solid understanding of the syntax and logic. By following the examples and tips outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to mastering SAS arrays and conditional statements.

Remember to declare and initialize your array correctly, use IF-THEN-ELSE statements to populate the array elements with values based on conditions, and troubleshoot any issues that arise.

Happy coding!

SAS Array Tips
Declare and initialize the array correctly
Use IF-THEN-ELSE statements to populate array elements with values based on conditions
Check the SAS log for error messages and warnings
Use the `PUT` statement to print and verify array element values
Break down the code into smaller sections and test each section separately
Consult online resources, such as the SAS Documentation and Communities, for guidance and support

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a SAS array expert!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the gist of using SAS arrays and master the art of populating array elements with values based on IF-THEN-ELSE statements!

Why are my array elements not populating with values when using an IF-THEN-ELSE statement?

A classic mistake! Make sure you’re not using a retained variable in your IF-THEN-ELSE statement, as it can prevent the array elements from populating. Try reinitializing the variable before the DO loop, and voilà! Your array elements should now be populated with the desired values.

How do I ensure that my IF-THEN-ELSE statement is correctly assigning values to my array elements?

Easy peasy! Use the `PUT` statement to display the values of your array elements within the DO loop. This will help you debug and verify that the correct values are being assigned. You can also use the `OPTION DEBUG` statement to enable debug mode, which can provide additional insights.

What’s the correct syntax for using an IF-THEN-ELSE statement within a DO loop to populate an array?

Got it! The correct syntax is: `DO i = 1 TO n; IF condition THEN array(i) = value; ELSE array(i) = other_value; END; END;`. Remember to replace `n` with the number of elements in your array, `condition` with the logical condition, and `value` and `other_value` with the desired values.

Why are my array elements being populated with missing values when using an IF-THEN-ELSE statement?

Oh no! This might happen if your IF-THEN-ELSE statement is not covering all possible scenarios. Make sure to include an `ELSE` clause to handle cases where the condition is not met. You can also use the `coalesce` function to provide a default value when the array element is missing.

Can I use an IF-THEN-ELSE statement to populate multiple array elements at once?

You bet! Use an array subscript to populate multiple elements at once. For example: `IF condition THEN array(1:5) = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5); ELSE array(1:5) = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0); END;`. This will populate elements 1 to 5 of the array based on the condition.